Mindfulness and Wellbeing

When we talk about Mental Health, it's easy to assume that everything revolves around illnesses and struggles. However, did you know that Mental Health can also refer to positive and healthy ways to look after your mind and your well-being?

Some illnesses can often be helped and supported by treatments other than medicine; fresh air and physical activity are often recommended by doctors as part of a healthy lifestyle. The same can be said for Mental Health: we can do activities to look after our minds and our happiness in order to keep ourselves in good Mental Health.

Below are some tips and information on ways to look after your Mental Health.

Practising Mindfulness:

  • Mindfulness is the art of being in the moment and forgetting everything else that is going on around you. It is really useful to help in moments of stress or panic.

  • Mindfulness focuses on the breath, and lets you focus on the sensations in your own body so you're not being made anxious by things around you, which may be out of your control.

  • Lots of people practise mindfulness in many different ways.

    • Some people like to do mindful breathing exercises where they just focus on their breath moving in and out of their bodies until they feel calmer.

    • Others prefer to do 'body scans' where they mentally scan each part of their body to address any discomfort or stress they may be carrying and try to release it.

    • Some people prefer a less 'meditative' approach and like to ground themselves in the moment by using the senses and listing 5 things they can see, 4 things they can touch, 3 things they can hear, 2 things they can smell, 1 thing they can taste. People say this helps to refocus them when their minds are racing.

There are loads of apps which can be used to help you get an introduction to mindfulness and the many different ways that you can use it. Check out our recommended apps for some ideas of where to start!

Get Outside!

Getting up and going for a walk might be the last thing you feel like doing when you're going through a tough time. However, a recent study has shown that being outside and in the fresh air can make us feel the benefits for up to seven hours afterwards. This refers to feeling happier and in good spirits. So, if you can, get outside, take your dog for a walk, take a stroll on the beach or even a brisk trip to the shop to pick up some chocolate for yourself! You are scientifically proven to feel at least at little bit better!